Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) fruit has been used as a traditional remedy by the people of South East Asia for centuries. Mangosteen fruit especially the skin, contains powerful Xanthone Antioxidants that could neutralize harmful Free Radicals in the human body.

A Free Radical is a molecule with missing electrons (hence positive charge). An Antioxidant is a molecule with extra electrons (hence negative charge). Free Radicals damage healthy cells by stealing electrons from them exposing human body to the risk of contracting chronic and degenerative diseases like; high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer etc.
It is important to have Xanthone Antioxidants to donate electrons to the Free Radicals, thus neutralizing its charge and rendering them harmless. There are more than 200 types of Xanthone Antioxidants in nature, but more than 40 of them are found in mangosteen fruit, being the highest among all the fruits in the world.

- Those patients suffering from above illnesses.
- Normal healthy people interested in preventing chronic degenerative diseases.
- People subjected to high Mental stress; Professionals, business people, politicians, critical job workers, students in institute of higher learning.
- People subjected to high Physical stress; Professional sportsmen/women, heavy manual workers, soldiers.
- Those working in extreme unfriendly environments; hot or cold conditions, underwater (divers), mountain climbing.
- Smokers, alcoholics, drug abusers.
- Great eaters; Foods containing additives, unhealthy components.
- Those exposed to prolonged Radiation; ultra-violet rays from sunlight, Nuclear plants, X-ray, prolonged exposure in front of TV, computer screens, extended usage of handphones.
- Those people who just want to feel good physically and mentally everyday.